What is meta-learning?

Learning how to learn. This is an obvious and important part of learning that is often overlooked. Learning about how the brain works and what strategies can be used in this process will equip learners to have different methods of learning.

My school already has the growth mindset, how will the workshops help?

This is good news! Workshops will complement what is already being practised in your school and allow a reinforcing and deepening of understanding of growth mindset ideas.

How will a workshop bring about sustained change in the classroom?

Developing a growth mindset culture in a school takes time and consistency, workshops are not a magic fix but they will hopefully spark a curiosity in children and teachers to continue with the journey and make it a key foundational practice in the learning journey.

How does this relate to the national curriculum?

Growth mindset thinking can be a useful supporting the topic of mental health and wellbeing taught in PSHE. Storytelling and role play activities will be useful for developing language and group collaboration.

What age group are the workshops aimed at?

From year 4 upwards although they can be adapted for years 2/3.

What benefits will the workshops bring?

Growth mindset thinking can help in areas such as self-esteem, resilience, confidence and developing a more positive outlook to learning.